Dzisiaj jest: 18 2024  
Kaszuby - Agritourism Banino Kaszuby - Agroturystyka \"Kazio\" G.Okrój

Gdańskie Stowarzyszenie Agroturyzmu     

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Detailed pricelist

Price per night per person: Min. price 10 EUR max 11 EUR
Price per night with full board:
Discount for children younger then

Full board: yes
Board obligatory: no
Possibility to cook on your own: yes
More detailed price of meal:
Breakfast 3 EUR During holidays 3 EUR
Dinner/lunch 4 EUR During holidays 4 EUR
Supper 3 EUR During holidays 3 EUR
Dinner - During holidays -
Discount for children years %
Other option for meals:
Wyżywienie całodzienne na życzenie klienta do uzgodnienia.


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Max. price for accomodation:

EUR per person.